motorsports (plural noun)
a sport involving the racing of motor vehicles, especially cars and motorcycles
Motorsport is a broad term that can be used to encompass the world of “vehicle racing.” Motorsports are subsequently broken down into various “Disciplines.”
The safety of all participants is the highest priority of the event. An Event Safety Plan contains all event-specific details. Rememeber that the Event Organizers / Safety Steward and any designated
assistants are the final word for event safety issues. Their decision is final.
Below is a list of various Motorsports disciplines NMSA attempts to provide safety guidelines for:
- AutoCross
- Boat Racing
- Circuit Racing
- Cars, Motorcycles
- Dirt Track
- Oval, Demolition Derby, Outlaws, MotoCross
- Drag Racing
- Karting
- Offroad
- Trail Running (offroading), Ice Racing, RallyCross, Rallye
- Planes
- Road Rally
- Gymkanna, Touring
- Trials & Hillclimb